Workshop Soundscape
Workshop week 1
At the end of this week I had to finish a soundscape.
Day 1: I went outside to record daily life-/nature sounds.
Day 2: The recorded sounds were put into PaulXStretch, this to modify and transform the recorded sounds into music.
Day 3: I used PaulXStretch again to create my own sounds out of scratch.
With this program the background beat of the entire song was made.

Day 4: Putting everything together in Adobe Audition.
Making the song cover and giving it a name.

Day 5: Presenting the album.
Album banner I made
Album banner I made
Album cover made by classmate
Album cover made by classmate
Disfunctional Horror House
I designed the album banner based on the album cover a classmate made.
The album is called Disfunctional Horror House, because the songs go from happy to slowly dark and spooky.
Villainous Chaos
Song cover
This is the cover of the song I made:
Villainous Chaos
It's a chaotic song with selfmade music and sound elements.
Final product
This is the song I made in this instructive and fun week.
If you want to hear the whole album click here.
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