Lesson 1 Still life:

For the lesson my class and I had to bring something for a still life.
We put our stuff together on a table and started to draw it.

Still life has never been my favorite thing to do, I found it very difficult to find the right perspective.
I went or too hight, too close or too small.

It was also the first time I had to draw with a timer. That's why some drawings aren't finished.

For homework I had to choose a couple of items that represented me.
I chose my favorite earrings, my everyday ring, my favorite book and a cup of coffee since I can't function without a day of coffee.

Lesson 2 Model drawing (male):

It was a big switch to go from still life to model drawing.
This was my first time model drawing, and working with charcoal wasn't easy.

I'm happy with the result I got, since this lesson helped me a lot with movement and proportion of the male human body.

I had to excersise poses as homework, because a friends birthday was coming up I made the first one to eventually work out in a final product.
Lesson 3 Model drawing (face):

The female model couldn't be there for the lesson so my classmate and I had to draw eachothers face.
The 5th one I'm espescally proud of. Since we both had to draw eachother at  the same time, the model moved a lot. I did managed to capture her face and I'm happy with that.

This was also the first time I had to paint someones face, it was difficult to find the right colours and mix them, in the time I had.
Lesson 4 Model drawing (female):

This time instead of charcoal I had to use paint for model drawing.
The teacher told me to get out of my comfort zone by making bigger drawings. I did that and I'm happy with the last two drawings.

The colour mixing also went better than the last lesson.
Little side project:

During the lesson I really enjoyed painting, it's a technique I'm not comon with.
I challanged myself and painted Hyunjin and Han, two members of the kpop group Stray Kids.
This was also a birthday gift for a friend of mine since her birthday was coming up, it was made in a hurry because I only had one week. I'm proud of the work.
Lesson 5 Perspective drawing:

Perspective never has been my strong suit. I wouldn't know where to start and what to do in the process.
As you can see are the first two pictures more still lifes than perspective drawings.

The forth one was made after some tips of the teacher, I think it's the only one with a descent perspective.
Lesson 6 Model drawing (young male):

For this lesson I had to use East-Indian ink.
It took me a while to figure out but after mixing it with a lot of water and figuring out the technique it went pretty well.
Lesson 7 Zine:

This was the last drawing lesson for this period.
I copied some art work of these lessons I really liked, and than made two zine's out of it.
I'm very proud of the results.

This was a very relaxing lesson and it was fun to use different kinds of paper.

Zine 1:
Zine 2:
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