Lesson 1:

Make 5 pictures that represent yourself.

1. I love reading manga and watching anime, also I draw anime sometimes myself.
2. Everyday I listen to music, people often see me walking around with my headphones.
3. I love the astetic of the plants, a little bit dark and red, usually my favorite theme.
4. Snakes are very adorable and it's my Chinese starsign.
5. The moon is always special to me, I could stare for hours at it.
First week:
The first week was very fun! I liked my class very quick.

Project 1:
The first little project I made was with 4 different classmates.
It was a story with elements that represented us.
Project 2:
With a group of 5 people, I had two days to make a project about a global problem.
We quickly chose to show the big difference between the Netherlands and the poorest country in the world. It was shocking.
Malawi (poorest country in the world) gets 117x less money than the Netherlands.
The hands got lasercut and the backgrounds are A1 painted in a dark colour.
Thought behind the artwork:
The hands represent the poor people of Malawi. It are precisely 117 sticked on the background.
Under the hanging hands are the Dutch people that have so much money it get's on the floor.
That is to show we have enough money to just throw away.


We started making a little brainstorm of how things were going to be.
Later on one of us made a design of the money and hands while the others painted the background.
After everything got sticked on the background we decorated everything with old fabrics.
Lesson 2:

In this lesson I worked with two other classmates.
We collected some stuff together we liked or told something about us.
Than we mixed it together and let our classmates write something about it.
The most answers were: cozy and secondhand shop.
Eventually we made a comic together about two cats who lived in a second hand shop.
They wake up in the middle of the night and play with a ball.
Eventually they break a flower pot and you can see the door opening.
Regen in October
- 2 katten van Mila
- Tweede hands winkel (the wandering moon)
- Sonja’s planten kapot maken
Wat doen ze?
- Wedstrijd wie meeste kapot maakt
- S’nachts op een regenachtige oktober nacht
- Volgende ochtend zie je katten heel onschuldig kijken terwijl alles kapot is
1. Straat van de (tweede hands winkel) wandering moon
2. Buitenkant van de wandering moon (met twee katten ervoor)
3. Auto komt langs
4. Split screen: Allebei de katten doen 1 van hun oogjes open met bal voor hun neus
5. Eentje mept de bal naar de ander toe
6. Ander mept op de grond als reactie (verveeld)
7. (Bal perspectief) katten springen achter bal aan (bal stuitert)
8. Kat mept bal omhoog tegen item aan
9. Katten gaan achter bal patroon aan die overal tegen aan gaat
10. Bal, kat, bal, kat (frames)
11. Bal naar deur (perspectief vanuit de katten)
12. Baasje komt binnen, twee katten kijken onschuldig een willen eten, alles achter hun is kapot

I'm very proud of the work we made! The teamwork was great!
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