This dwarf was made by me for an Art Battle with a friend of mine.
We chose both to make a dwarf with a little story.
This is a story about a Duergar (Dark Dwarf) Daeron Belkam:
One of the most fearless Duergars ever exsisted.
He is the master of clan Belkam, fought hunderds of wars against creatures that attacked his clan.
He is always in his own world, doesn’t like to talk with other dwarfs and rign his clan with an iron fist.
Daeron married the most beautiful Duergar girl that there is, he has 2 children a son a daughter, twins, with the same special eye color like their father.
The special thing about Daeron is that he has red glowing eyes, with this feature he makes even more clear that he is the alfa around there.
Daeron has a lot of enemies but he is not scared, he will always be ready for a fight, calm and fearless. With no emotion, just cold blooded he doesn’t give a chance to no one even to young people. Don’t mess with him.
If someone makes Daeron irritated or doesn’t do what he wants, he will punish you.

At first I didn't know how I wanted to draw this dwarf, I thought about making a shield and a hammer, but that was basic so an other friend of mine, who is opsessed with dwarfs, said it looked like a Duergar.
I started with reading something about the history of Duergars and liked it alot.
Dwarfs are known to not have a good relationship with elves so I drew a head of a Draw (Dark Elf) who had a terrible life ending.
I made three silouettes and let some people pick what would be better, when I told my friend about Duergars he started to say that I had to make a head and blood.
Because the art battle was almost to it's end I said it was to much work, but I thought about it and it kept comming into my mind. It was something special and unique. It gave my Duergar something more and out of the box. So in the end I went with this gorey idea.
I'm still proud.
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